
Environmental Management Plans in the Framework of Promoting Sustainable Tourism Development

RASP implemented a program for drafting “Environmental Management Plans in the Framework of Promoting Sustainable Tourism Development” The project was implemented in Shishtavec Commune, Kukës, and Margegaj districts, and Tropoja district with funding from the Mountain Areas Development Agency (MADA). The project implemented the “Code of Good Practice for community involvement in decision making. RASP already has a wide experience in community involvement in decision-making. The methodology has been perfected during the implementation of a number of projects by our organization. RASP engaged in this project some prominent experts in the field of forests, biodiversity, tourism, and economics.

Strengthening the Role of the Community in Strategic Planning for Local Development

RASP implemented the project “Strengthening the Role of the Community in Strategic Planning for Local Development” in the districts of Kukes and Has which was funded by the Balkan Trust Democracy. One of the characteristics of this project was that RASP involved several local organizations in working with the community to increase awareness and activate community representatives in strategic local development planning. The local organizations that were involved are Progress Center; the “Alb-Aid” association, the Center of Counseling and Social Services for Women, and “Integration” association. To precede this project, RASP in cooperation with TACSO Albania has conducted a training entitled “Involvement of civil society and the community in decision making.” Noteworthy is the fact that the Code of Good Practice on civic participation in decision-making was applied as a training methodology for community involvement, a methodology welcomed by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

Drafting of Tourism Development Plans and Environmental Protection in the Municipalities of Petrela, Baldushk and Bërzhitë

RASP completed the project “Drafting of Tourism Development Plans and Environmental Protection in the Municipalities of Petrela, Baldushk and Bërzhitë” in the framework of the Innovation Partnership Fund by the ALCDF Foundation. The project was implemented in cooperation with the three municipalities and with a wide participation of representatives of stakeholders, tourism actors, and the community. RASP implemented an already successful methodology in previous projects of the organization, such as the case of the project in Puka for “Drafting the Tourism Plan of Puka”. Through this project, the historical, cultural, and natural resources of the area were identified, priorities were determined and the Tourism and Environment Development Plan of the Municipalities of Petrela, Bërzhitë, Baldushk was drafted, detailed with concrete actions and interventions. The tourist resources of the area were promoted through the publication of tourist brochures and the creation of websites for the Municipalities of Petrelë, Berzhitë, and Baldushkut with the main focus on tourism and highlighting the tourist advantages that these municipalities offer to local and foreign visitors.

Identification and Promotion of Local Food and Gastronomy as a Value for the Development of Tourist Service and Workforce in Korça Region

In recent years, RASP has implemented a wide program to identify and promote the country’s traditional products in various areas. This program includes explorations in the deeper areas to identify and then promote these products as a very important part of cultural heritage and a very valuable resource for the development of tourism and income growth for the population from this sector. The program for identification and promotion of traditional products of the country, undertaken by RASP was implemented in the district of Korça through the project “Identification and Promotion of Local Food and Gastronomy as a Value for the Development of Tourist Service and Workforce in Korça Region” funded by Rritje Albania, USAID. This project realized the identification of traditional products of the Korça region, the publication of this tradition in a catalog, and the promotion of these activities in order to improve the tourist service and increase the capacity of the workforce. This project involved a large number of actors from the local government as well as businesses in the area, students of the Vocational School of Economics in Korca and Pogradec but not only. This project was quite dynamic as there was a lot of diversity among the participants and they brought with them diverse experiences and perspectives.

Identification and Promotion of Local Products of Agriculture, Agro-processing and Traditional Gastronomy in the Kukes Region

RASP in partnership with the PROGRESS center implemented the project “Identification and Promotion of Local Products of Agriculture, Agro-processing and Traditional Gastronomy in the Kukes Region” funded by small grants of the “Cross-Border Cooperation Program in the Kukes Region” implemented by UNDP. In the framework of this project, the “Catalog of Traditional Food Products of Kukes region” was published and promoted. This positive experience will continue to be applied in other regions of the country, where work has already begun.

Replacement of Natural Resources of Medicinal Plants in Albania

RASP continues the implementation of the project entitled “Replacement of Natural Resources of Medicinal Plants in Albania”, in cooperation with the Federation of Farmers of Kukes Region. This project was funded by the ENVIRON Foundation

Involvement of the Community and Civil Society in Strategic Planning for the Development of the Tourism and Environment Sector in the Kukes Region

RASP implemented the project “Involvement of the Community and Civil Society in Strategic Planning for the Development of the Tourism and Environment Sector in the Kukes Region” which was funded by the BTD and local government. In the implementation of this project, RASP cooperated very fruitfully with the project “Promotion of Tourism and Environment in Kukes Region” implemented by UNDP

Strengthening Rural Democracy

“Strengthening Rural Democracy “ is a program implemented by RASP in the period 2005-2010 in the northern area of ​​Albania (Puka, Kukës, and Has)

Increasing Community Awareness on Human Trafficking

“Increasing Community Awareness on Human Trafficking” in Puka and Fushë Arrës is a project implemented by RASP and PROGRESS with funding from the Embassy of the United Kingdom.

Development of Community Enterprises

“Development of Community Enterprises” This project was implemented in Butrint National Park, where RASP has implemented elements of agricultural development in partnership with the Butrint Foundation.

Development of Sustainable Practices for the Production, Collection, and Marketing of Aromatic and Medicinal Plants of Puka District

“Development of Sustainable Practices for the Production, Collection, and Marketing of Aromatic and Medicinal Plants of Puka District” This project was funded by small grant schemes by the British Embassy. The aim of the project was to demonstrate to the participating community the development of sustainable and repetitive methods of Good Practice in the reconstruction of production, collection, and marketing of plants, as an integral component of living systems in the district of Puka.

Strengthening Beekeepers Associations in Kosovo and Albania

“Strengthening Beekeepers Associations in Kosovo and Albania.” The project was implemented in the western area of ​​Kosovo which was funded by the Diana Foundation. RASP’s role as a local partner in this project consisted of identifying needs and providing guidance and monitoring small grants.

Reducing Rural Poverty in the Puka District in the Northern Area of ​​Albania Through Beekeeping Development

“Reducing Rural Poverty in the Puka District in the Northern Area of ​​Albania Through Beekeeping Development” This project was implemented in Puka and funded by small grant schemes by the British Embassy. The aim of the project is to reduce rural poverty in the district of Puka by supporting beekeeping in the community as a means of improving livelihoods. The role taken by RASP as a local partner in this project consisted of project management and coordination, consulting, inputs, information, training.

Some other projects:

  • “Production and processing of closed-cycle meat”
  • “Small scale production of hybrid corn seed”
  • “Strengthening rural organizations and micro-enterprises and building RASP capacities to provide services to the rural sector”
  • “Improving the performance of small enterprises in the sectors of seeds, horticulture and dairy and the implementation of marketing training with these groups”
  • “Strengthening the newly established rural associations in three sectors (beekeeping, seeds, horticulture), so these associations serve as replicable models in Albania”


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