RASP in collaboration with FAO and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development organized on 25-26 November 2020 the online workshop on “Developing e-Agriculture in Albania”.
The workshop objectives were to raise awareness about the potential of digital technologies in agriculture; discuss opportunities, benefits and challenges of digital technologies in agriculture; foster the multi-stakeholder dialogue at national and regional levels among farmers and producers, policy and decision-makers, private sector companies and technological solution developers, research, academia, advisory services, civil society and youth; exchange of existing initiatives and good practices supporting the digital transformation of agriculture; raise awareness on policy options and national framework needed for the digital transformation in agriculture.
During the two days of the workshop several representatives from different stakeholders have given their prospective for development of e-agriculture in Albania. Most of presentations has given very substantial contribution to the objectives of the workshop. Furthermore, discussions in breakout rooms have contributed for identification of challenges for development of e-agriculture as well as the vision for e-agriculture in Albania. During the second day of the workshop organizers invited participants to join working group for preparing the vision of e-agriculture strategy. Several volunteers from Extension service, farmers, or academia, have expressed their readiness to join working group.