
Based on the Letter of Agreement with FAO  (Food and Agriculture Organization of the Community) for the implementation of the project “Support to the Sustainable Development of Agrotourism in Albania” our organization completed the third workshop on “Identification of local plant varieties and animal breeds, as a tool for agrobiodiversity conservation and promoting local/organic/GI products in support of agritourism”. This workshop took place in Korça on February 23, 2022.

The workshop aimed at several points:

Presentation of the project objectives and related activities, raising awareness of stakeholders on the importance of agrobiodiversity, identification of plant and animal genetic resources in the area, identification of the ways for using plant and animal genetic resources in agritourism.

Invited to the workshop were representatives from the Municipality of Korça, Advisory Service Specialists, Specialists from QTTB (Agricultural Technology Transfer Center), Lecturer from the University of Korça, Veterinarians, and Farmers.

The workshop was organized in two sessions. In the first session were presented:

  • Project, activities and its connection with agrobiodiversity,
  • Tourism in Korça area and use of local assets in agrotourism;
  • Local plant varieties, tradition and potential use of local genetic resources in agritourism
  • Local animals genetic resources

The development of the second session was realized by working in groups. Participants were divided into three groups: Group operating in the field of livestock; The group representing the vegetables; Group with participants representing fruit growing.

The work in each group aimed to analyze:

  • Local and potential genetic resources related to agritourism;
  • Linking genetic resources with tradition, ceremonies, etc.;
  • Utilization of autochthonous genetic resources in agritourism;
  • Needs for capacity building related to the conservation of local genetic resources and their use in agritourism;
  • Institutional support needs.

The groups drew their respective conclusions which were presented by a representative of each group.

These conclusions serve RASP experts to continue the work by providing more detailed information and assessing the potential of agrobiodiversity to better support the development of agritourism in this region.


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