Support the Development of Sustainable Agritourism in Albania
On Thursday, October 20, the final workshop was organized in Tirana on the topic “Supporting the development of sustainable agritourism in Albania”, financed by FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations).
The main objectives of the workshop were:
- Introducing the FAO initiative in supporting sustainable agritourism development in Albania, activities as well as expected and realized outputs;
- Providing an overview of the process for identifying the most suitable geographical and thematic areas for sustainable agritorurism development;
- Introducing the regional and national legal framework for supporting the development af agritourism, highlighting and promoting good practices in the development of sustainable agrotourism;
- Promote exchange of information and know-how between agritourism stakeholders to link value chains with agritourism and develop sustainable agritourism through the establishment of the Agritourism Network,
- To collect final suggestions and recommendations on the way forward
- To promote the establishment of the Agritourism Network (ATN).
This workshop was attended by representatives of institutions such as: MBZHR (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development), MTM (Ministry of Tourism and Environment) AREB (Regional Agricultural Extension Agency) Korça, Genetic Bank, Belsh Municipality and Malësi e Madhe, representatives from organizations such as: Environment and Ideas, InSET (Institute for Sustainable Development, Environment and Tourism), (CESVI (Italian organization operating in the area of Përmet), VIS Albania (Italian organization operating in the area of Malësi e Madhe), and representatives from UBT (Agricultural University of Tirana)
During the workshop were presented:
- Identification of the most potential thematic and geographical areas and local plant varieties as a tool for agrobiodiversity conservation and promoting local/organic/GI products:
- The review of current legal framework on agritourism, identification of Good Practices of sustainable agritourism in selected area:
- Promote exchange of information and know-how between agritourism stakeholders to link value chains with agritourism and develop sustainable agritourism through the establishment of the Agritourism Network (ATN).
After the presentations, the part of questions and discussions took place in which the participants gave their contribution.