“Participation of civil society and of the community in the decision making process” – 1 training 3 cities, Vlora, Berat and Kukes

In the framework of the TACSO Albania project, RASP organized a training workshop about the “Involvement of civil society in the decision making process”. This training took place in three Albanian cities such as in Vlora, Berat and Kukes starting from June-August 2011. The participation of communities and civil society in the decision making process […]

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RASP joins the Agricultural Network for innovation,Research and Extension

In the framework of the FAO project “Strengthening the functional linkages and building capacities among the stakeholders of the national research and extension system for providing effective and relevant services to Albanian smallholder farmers”, the Agricultural Network for innovation, Research and Extension was created. Scientific Research Institutes, centers for the transfer of technology, structures of […]

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