
RASP (Rural Associations Support Program) has presented on April 13, 2023 in the city of Përmet the project titled: “Capacity building of the local stakeholders and actors of agritourism sector and promote sustainable agritourism model/good practices for sustainable food system development” 

This Project is funded by FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) and implemented by RASP.

The workshop organized on April 13 in Përmet was focused on two directions: 1) Presentation of the Project, objectives and activities; and 2) Training of participants on local genetic resources and good practices for their conservation, development and reproduction.  

Objectives of the workshop:

  • Inform stakeholders on project objectives and activities.
  • Inform stakeholders dealing with local genetic resources about good practices for selection, planting and reproducing seeds for genetic resources.
  • Establish contacts and cooperation between farmers who grow local varieties, Agriculture specialists and national genetic bank.

he workshop was attended by various actors such as: representatives from the Përmet and Kilcare Municipalities, farmers and producers of local varieties, representatives from agro-tourism entities, guesthouses and restaurants, tourist guides, representatives from the Administration of Protected Areas, participants from CESVI (Italian organization that operates in Përmet), representatives of the Përmet Agricultural Advisory Service, etc.

The workshop took place in two sessions: During the first session, the Project and its focus on sustainable food systems and its connection with agritourism was presented. In the second session, some of the local genetic resources of the Përmet region and good practices for the conservation, growth and reproduction of local plant varieties were presented.

The training was carried out interactively, with the involvement of the participants, with questions and discussions. During this session, some of the good practices of conservation, maintenance and reproduction of local genetic resources were also presented.

The project envisages continuing with the implementation of other trainings with focus on the development of sustainable food systems, with trainings and activities related to food safety, the creation and strengthening of local actors network related to these systems, as well as the promotion of good practices of linking products of local varieties with agrotourism. 


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