Overall project objective: Support producer groups with GI initiatives and strengthen their recognition and protection by targeting pastoral and local products to contribute to supporting sectors with very high environmental value (biodiversity, climate) which are still little or not included in national agricultural policies.
This project aims to support 5 groups of producers/breeders in 5 Balkan countries, Kosovo, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Serbia, engaged in an approach to promoting the quality of their agricultural production from environments with high environmental wealth using a GI or AO, In the context of the inclusion of agropastoral practices in UNESCO’s Intangible World Heritage and agrotourism development at the heart of the convergence strategies of these countries.
In Albania, the Hasi goat breeders group will be supported in continuing to develop and promote the already registered GI Hasi goat Kid.
The project also supports the implementation of the Western Balkans green agenda by preserving biodiversity and carbon storage in agropastoral areas recognized as having high environmental value.