
Workshop “Awareness raising of stakeholders for diversification of activities in rural area of Belsh”

RASP – Rural Association Support Program, organized on December 19, 2019, at Hotel “Ujëvara” in Belsh, workshop on: Awareness raising of local stakeholders for diversification of products and activities in Belsh Municipality. This workshop was organized as part of the Project: “Increasing the Capacity of Farmers and Other Stakeholders in Diversifying Rural Activities”, funded by […]

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Workshop “Awareness raising of stakeholders for diversification of activities in rural areas of Malesia e Madhe”

In the framework of the Project: “Increasing the Capacity of Farmers and Other Stakeholders in Diversification of Rural Activities”, funded by FAO (Food Organization of the United Nations), RASP – Rural Association Support Program, organized on 11 December 2019, at the Hotel “Dushkaj” Koplik, Malesia e Madhe, workshop on: Awareness raising of local stakeholders for […]

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Projekti BalkanMed INNOVA – Mbledhja e 4 t e Partnerëve.

Në kuadër të Projektit BalkanMed INNOVA (Balkan-Mediterranean Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation), i financuar nga EU nën Programin “INTERREG Balkan-Mediterranean 2014-2020″, u organizua me 7-8 Nentor 2019 në Hotel “Prestige” në Tiranë, Mbledhja e 4 t e Partnerëve të Projektit. Në këtë takim morën pjesë përfaqësues nga 6 vendet partnere që zbatojnë Projektin BalkanMed INNOVA: […]

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