Meeting with the Hasi Goat Breeders’ Association and other local stakeholders
As part of the project “Support for High Nature Value Territories in the Western Balkans,” funded by the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, RASP organized a meeting on February 19, 2025, in Krumë. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Hasi Goat Breeders’ Association, the Has Municipality, the regional...
Study – Rapid Diagnosis of the Pastoral Situation Related to the Geographical Indication (GI) Product “Hasi Goat Kids”
Within the framework of the project “Support for High Nature Value Territories in the Western Balkans,” funded by Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs of France, RASP has conducted a Rapid Diagnosis of the Pastoralism Situation related to the GI-certified product in the Hasi region. The study is based on the Rapid Diagnostic...
Karakterizmi morfologjik i dhise se Hasit
Ky studim është përgatitur në kuadër të Projektit BiodivBalkans “Biodiversity conservation and valorization Sustainable development in the Balkan Mountains”, mbeshteur nga MADA dhe FFEM Karakterizimi morfologjik I dhise se Hasit eshte pjese e paketes se studimeve dhe vleresimeve te vecorive te saj dhe produkteve te saj, ne kuadrin e...
Supporting High Nature Value Terroirs in the Western Balkans
Overall project objective: Support producer groups with GI initiatives and strengthen their recognition and protection by targeting pastoral and local products to contribute to supporting sectors with very high environmental value (biodiversity, climate) which are still little or not included in national agricultural policies. This project aims to...
Study of the genetic diversity of 4 forms of the Koran (Salmo letnica), as an endemic species of Ohrid Lake
The project centered on Lake Ohrid aimed to identify and classify the distinct populations of Koran trout (Salmo letnica) using advanced DNA analysis techniques. By confirming the existence of multiple species, the research explored their evolutionary histories and ecological roles within the lake’s unique ecosystem. The insights gained...
Workshop: Sustainable Food Systems in the region of Përmet.
RASP (Rural Associations Support Program) has presented on April 13, 2023 in the city of Përmet the project titled: “Capacity building of the local stakeholders and actors of agritourism sector and promote sustainable agritourism model/good practices for sustainable food system development” This Project is funded by FAO (Food and...
Catalog of local plant varieties and animal breeds
RASP has prepared during 2022 a catalog on local plants varieties and animal breeds. This document has been prepared within the framework of the Agreement between the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Rural Association Support Program (RASP), in Albania. The catalog was prepared by Prof. Ndoc Faslia, expert in...
Final Workshop
Support the Development of Sustainable Agritourism in Albania On Thursday, October 20, the final workshop was organized in Tirana on the topic “Supporting the development of sustainable agritourism in Albania”, financed by FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations). The main objectives of the workshop were:...
National Workshop
On policies in support of agritourism and networking of national and regional actors On Thursday, September 29, a national workshop was organized in Tirana on the topic of Policies in support of agritourism and networking of national and regional actors. The project “Support for the sustainable development of agritourism in Albania” is...